Safety, Health and Environment (SHE)
1. Positive health
This course is about positive health and healthy habits for physical and for mental health. Assess your own health habits. Decide what changes you can make, in your daily habits at work or at home, to become healthier.
2. Safe hygiene
This course is about public and personal cleanliness. The course will help you to reduce the spread of germs to avoid the spread of diseases.
3. Hazards and safety in the workplace
Learn to identify health and safety hazards at worksites. This course will help you to reduce, eliminate or control hazards at work.
4. Emergencies at work
Learn how to prevent accidents at work. Also, learn how to respond appropriately to an emergency if you are faced with one.
5. Protecting the environment at our workplace
Learn about the most common environmental problems and how to protect the environment at your workplace. Decide what you will do to fight climate change.